A single job posting receives anywhere between 100 to 1,000 applications. The competition is fierce and you are under severe time strain to impress a recruiter. Potential recruiters, in all probability, will read your copy for no more than 10-15 seconds and this is all the time your resume has to make a good impression on your employer. Good resume writing service providers can help you stand out by preparing an innovative, professional, and effective resume.

Despite a downbeat economy and paucity of decent jobs, more often than not, the job of writing a resume is not treated with the seriousness it deserves. The art of resume writing is often taken for granted by many job seekers who often forget how tough the competition is. 95 per cent of the resumes fail to arouse the interest of a recruiter. Reputed resume writing companies can help the candidate edge out competition in an immensely tough race with a very narrow time restriction.

Phrases like ‘detail-oriented’, ‘team player’, ‘disciplined’, ‘creative’, ‘problem solver’ have outlived their utility and may sound anachronistic in the present time. Experienced resume writing service firms will strongly advise you to get over it. Be specific. That’s how you show them that you’re a unique candidate with a great edge over others and a person who doesn’t resort to empty rhetoric to gain attention.

The importance of using the right keywords cannot be overemphasised. Knowledgeable resume writing companies make it a point to go thoroughly through the job description to pick out certain important keywords. Growing number of organizations are using digital databases to look for potential candidates. Search queries are run using these specific keywords. You do not have to be  a genius to figure out that  search engines will not able to pick your resume if these particular keywords escape mention on your resume. 

A job will not be handed over to you in a pristine platter. The competition is expected to be fierce— the trick is to show determination and not be intimidated by the competition. Resume writing service providers of repute can be of immense help. They can write an innovate, relevant and credible document for you, which is sure to take you to the interview room.

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