No employer hires people without proper background verification.  The verification can be at an informal level such as introduction by a common friend, or it could require multiple levels of background checks by the background screening companies.  Whatever the size of the employer’s organization, one thing is for sure – you cannot hope to get in unless you are properly verified.

The caution displayed by employers is understandable.  Incorrect resumes, falsified data, plagiarized work, and crime are some of the problems that employers face if they fail to properly verify a potential employee.  The verification process starts the moment the employer feels that they should call a particular job seeker for an interview.  The verification protocols differ from organization to organization.  Some organizations verify employers before calling them for an interview and after they have shortlisted candidates. Other organizations may prefer to carry out the complete verification process before they call anyone for an interview.

There are various levels of verification conducted by employers to determine if job seekers are right for their organization.  Employment and education verification are the most common types of verification performed on candidates appearing for job interviews.  Employer verification determines who your previous employers were.  Employment verification is conducted to determine what kind of record you had at previous workplaces, while education verification helps employers assess if you actually hold the degrees and certifications that you claim to have.

Sometimes, in the course of the employment background verification process, employers might discover facts that are not exactly flattering, about the jobseeker. Perhaps you are an introvert who has difficulty communicating with your supervisor and colleagues. Although it does not seem too damaging, it could affect your chances of finding a job if an engaging personality is one of the key requirements of the job.

You can ensure that your career prospects are not harmed by taking the spotlight off this information. Start by creating a resume that highlights the best aspects of your career, education, and skills.  Manage your social media profile so that employers, who use the Internet to be ahead of you, will find a lot of positive things being said about you. provides resume writing as well as social media profiling services.

Employee verification by background screening companies is a crucial first step toward finding the best matches during the hiring process. Similarly, job seekers must do everything possible to impress recruiters as well as employers so that even if the report from background cleaning companies is not hundred percent positive, they can still find good jobs. offers employee verification accreditation. Backgrounds screening companies in association with Click2 will help employers and employees by finding and verifying all relevant information about the employee.

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